Mar 31, 2007

Misspelling in NCAA shirts.

I thought this was pretty funny.

This is like the second sports/Tshirt related piece of news I've covered here. Which is weird since I'm really not a sports guy.

Enter the Virgina

Mar 13, 2007

New Warswine and Industree reprints.

Just a heads up to everyone. We have Warswine and Industree shirts back in stock in all of your favorite sizes. All available at the Enclothe Store.

Mar 12, 2007

Behind the Scenes: Making A T-shirt

The new Eternal Embrace shirts are a big hit! Reprints are already required as they are selling through much faster than I expected!
Last post I promised a little more info on the story of the two lovers.

Right around Valentines day a news story broke about an Archaeological dig in Italy that unearthed the remains of a couple over 6,000 years old. The figures were clutched in an embrace that has lasted several thousands of years. Far be it from the Archaeologists to separate such dedicated lovers. Instead of removing each bone piece by piece and putting it back together in the lab. They have decided to excavate the whole plot of land and keep the two figures intact.

Generally I hate Valentines and all the mushy consumerism that comes around that time of year. But this story really struck a chord with me, and a lot of others. Inspired, i worked out a recreation of the two drawn from scratch, with a lot of help from Eliot Goldfinger.

Since the couple was so ancient I wanted to carry that theme onto the shirt itself and at the same time try something completely new. So I decided to use Alternative Apparel stock. They have a great shirt called 'destroyed' which is distressed and aged looking. They're also super soft and almost feel like you're not wearing a shirt at all.

So with the image drawn, the shirts ordered, all that's left is to print them. That's where the talented and wise Sodriveme takes over..

shirts arrive and the work starts

double check art file before printing

Printed out image & pieced together.
Most images don't need to be cut, but
we decided to go big with these two lovers
Get the image ready to burn on a screen,
we ended up using a 220 mesh screen,
but also burned it on 110 and 300 too.

No luck, sometimes it takes 3 trys until perfection is achieved,
(I like how we ended up with it on our crappiest screen.) - ed
So we begin ink mixing, Derek wanted a lighter grey tone so we mixed some secret sauce up
Ink plus screen make.... printing time
The first shirt
Shirts stacking up as they're printed
last shirt!
Random printed object, its always good to
clean out the last of the ink on a
different material
I like these bandanas, I might have to print some up!

Mar 5, 2007

New Eternal Embrace T

Well Enclothe printer extraordinaire Sodriveme has sent some snaps of the new Eternal Embrace shirts, and I have to say, they came out even better than I had expected.

We're trying something new this time around and using Alternative Apparel Stock. I've been eyeballing Alternative Apparel for awhile and have heard nothing but good things about their products.
They also offer some interesting variations on the standard T, for Eternal Embrace we're using their 'Destroyed' T which is just about the softest T I've ever used. It also has some nice distressing on the neck, sleeves and bottom to fit in with the ancient theme of Eternal Embrace.

I'll be covering this more in detail next week. Sodriveme took some great pictures of the whole process that I'll be posting.

In the meantime you can order the shirt from the Enclothe store right here.